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Two girls with smartphones at the Bolzano bus station

An unprecedented run on our online journey planner

A record 100,000 clicks and more

Classrooms weren’t the only place taken by storm on the first day of school this year: Our app and website processed more than 100,000 online timetable queries – an all-time high.

On Monday 5 September 2022, südtirolmobil handled exactly 106,525 timetable queries – 88,000 of which came in via the app alone, with the remainder recorded on the website. More than twice as many requests as on an average day: This ground-breaking new peak since the launch of the new edition two years ago is a clear sign that our online journey planner has proven its worth and that it is no longer possible to imagine public mobility without it. 

Well-equipped thanks to an additional server

In order to cope with such a major run on our services, a second server was installed a few months ago. This addition came after the website and app had at times struggled to cope on peak days in the past. Now they are both set to withstand even a very large  surge in traffic – as can be the case when the passengers’ need for information is particularly high, for example in  longer disruptions on individual lines, due to weather-related schedule changes, at peak travel times or during major events.

Soon to come: more online features and services

In the meantime, we are working hard to continuously improve the app and especially the online journey planner, and to introduce new features and additional information. For instance, the map view will soon not just show stations and bus stops in general but also offer a detailed view including information on train platforms and tracks as well as – for large bus stops – individual bus platforms. Stay tuned!

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